Wednesday 25 April 2012

kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan....

Assalamualaikum!! hehehe....

Bertemu lagi kite petang yang indah neh... hari ni sikit special, sebab... hari ni ade appointment ngan doktor pakar.. huh... special sangat!! kul 8 lebih tunggu, kul 10lebih baru dpt masuk jumpe doktor... USM... patot la ramai... huhhu... the worst thing I didn't like is! X-RAY time! urghhhh!! terok sangat... kenapa mesti ade lelaki... Oh My ALLAH... malunye aku... tp ingat demi kesihatan je ni.. tebal muke ni, DIA je yg tau.... every 6 month, kne wat X-RAY... tidakkkkk!! *jeritan batinku* hahahahahahhaa~~~

I just worried about my scoliosis and doctor said, " no need a surgery k? just normal as usual.. but u MUST release the pain! take medicine, because, every surgery has their own advantages and disadvantages... the advantages is, your spine will be normal, but!! all the screws in back there will reduce the number of bone! " alright doctor! tp aku cuak jgk sebenarnye sebab, ade sorang budak belakang aku tu, baru lepas surgery... leh rase seyhh besi2 di belakang dia.. huhuhuhu! takottt..... bila doktor cakap, xperlu surgery, fuhh,, lega!! mula2 konon sanggup la kan... heheh... tp, ALHAMDULILLAH.... ALLAH yang lebih tau yang mane lebih terbaek wat diriku... tp yang penting, still dapat preggy! hahahah..... cume xcam orang lain la.... lebih membongkok lagi la! gulppp!! ok fine.... for my babies in the future... hehehe....

After balik dari USM, aku terima satu surat dari seseorang... wahh!! it's him! hehehe.... bila si dia yang hantar surat tu, bukak sampul pon bukan main polite lagi ko jah!! kalo terima surat dari gov, tawaran tu la,, ni la.. mau x rabak + koyak + rakus sampul tu! hahahahaha.... the power of couple! politeness comes first! hahahaha... cube teka ape? jeng2....!!! it's HIJAB! heheh,,, tudung bawal 2 tone... with polkadots laces! waaa..... I LOVE IT! nk tengok x? ni dia...heheheh... sempat snap td...hehe...

cett!! sampul surat masih ade ag kt citu... hehheeh.. baru je tengok kt fb semalam sal tudung ni.. tup2 ade orang kasi..hehehe... tq so much my dear! he said, ni hadiah hari lahir aku yang ke 23 tahun... heheh.... awl sampai... tarikh nye lambat ag.. lagi 4hari...  I love you sayang! ;-)

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